Oglala Lakota College Archives
Many of the entry types are record oriented data. For example, USGS Stream Gauges, NDBC Buoy data or AWC Weather data.
CSV Download Form
For each of these data files RAMADDA provides a CSV Download Form that enables the user to subset the data, choose fields and choose a result format. Under the entry menu select CSV Download Form-
The form, e.g. the AWC PAMC - McGrath, McGrath Airport entry allows the user to specify a date form, a geospatial subset, max # rows, a skip factor and one can also select the fields to download.
The Search Values section allows one to specify numeric ranges to download.
The link show at the bottom of the form allows one to copy the result URL and use that in external scripts, e.g. with wget, curl, or in code.
Generated Code
The output of the form can be CSV or JSON. One can also specify the output to be generated code that downloads the CSV URL if needed and load the file (or files) into a data stucture. The languages that are support are Python, R and Matlab.

This facility to download generated wrapper code is also available when entries are listed by a parent entry. For example, in the list of Alabama Weather Stations toggle open the form with the link. Select the desired entries and, under Apply Action, select the generated code. Then press the "Selected" button or, if you want all of the entries select "All". This will download a code file, e.g. ramadda_download.py.
One can also use this facility in the search form. For example, here is the search form for the AWC Weather stations- https://ramadda.org/repository/search/type/type_awc_metar. You can apply the search and, at the bottom of the form select the "Select Output" button. In the dialog select the desired language under "What to Download".
Note: you can also have RAMADDA generate a wget shell script for the raw data files or for the CSV Form API converted data.