Oglala Lakota College Archives
To create an entry of type File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the File entry type
The entry type is figured out by the file extension
To create an entry of type Folder go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Folder entry type
A group of entries
To create an entry of type HTML File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the HTML File entry type
PDF File
To create an entry of type PDF File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the PDF File entry type
Document Collection
To create an entry of type Document Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Document Collection entry type
A collection of documents
Excel File
To create an entry of type Excel File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Excel File entry type
Powerpoint File
To create an entry of type Powerpoint File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Powerpoint File entry type
Word File
To create an entry of type Word File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Word File entry type
Markdown File
To create an entry of type Markdown File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Markdown File entry type
To create an entry of type README go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the README entry type
Text File
To create an entry of type Text File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Text File entry type
To create an entry of type Image go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Image entry type
360 Image
To create an entry of type 360 Image go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the 360 Image entry type
Displays a 360 degree image
3D Model
To create an entry of type 3D Model go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the 3D Model entry type
3D Model Collection
To create an entry of type 3D Model Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the 3D Model Collection entry type
Animated GIF
To create an entry of type Animated GIF go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Animated GIF entry type
Annotated Image
To create an entry of type Annotated Image go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Annotated Image entry type
Audio File
To create an entry of type Audio File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Audio File entry type
Book Reader
To create an entry of type Book Reader go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Book Reader entry type
A book reader interface to a collection of images
IIIF Collection
To create an entry of type IIIF Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the IIIF Collection entry type
IIIF Document
To create an entry of type IIIF Document go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the IIIF Document entry type
Image Loop
To create an entry of type Image Loop go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Image Loop entry type
Image Pair
To create an entry of type Image Pair go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Image Pair entry type
OHMS Oral History
To create an entry of type OHMS Oral History go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OHMS Oral History entry type
Photo Album
To create an entry of type Photo Album go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Photo Album entry type
A collection of images displayed as a photo album
Quicktime Video
To create an entry of type Quicktime Video go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Quicktime Video entry type
Slide Show
To create an entry of type Slide Show go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Slide Show entry type
A collection of images displayed as a photo album
TikTok Video
To create an entry of type TikTok Video go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the TikTok Video entry type
Video Channel
To create an entry of type Video Channel go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Video Channel entry type
Video File
To create an entry of type Video File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Video File entry type
To create an entry of type Webcam go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Webcam entry type
YouTube Video
To create an entry of type YouTube Video go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the YouTube Video entry type
Zoomable Image
To create an entry of type Zoomable Image go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Zoomable Image entry type
Provides a zoomable interface into large images
To create an entry of type Link go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Link entry type
A web page link
Research Portfolio
To create an entry of type Research Portfolio go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Research Portfolio entry type
Wiki Page
To create an entry of type Wiki Page go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Wiki Page entry type
ChatGPT Assistant
To create an entry of type ChatGPT Assistant go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ChatGPT Assistant entry type
Children Display
To create an entry of type Children Display go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Children Display entry type
Server Side Files
To create an entry of type Server Side Files go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Server Side Files entry type
Virtual Group
To create an entry of type Virtual Group go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Virtual Group entry type
To create an entry of type Documentation go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Documentation entry type
A collection of documentation pages
Bibliographic Entry
To create an entry of type Bibliographic Entry go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Bibliographic Entry entry type
To create an entry of type Dictionary go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Dictionary entry type
Dictionary Word
To create an entry of type Dictionary Word go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Dictionary Word entry type
Ditch Project Page
To create an entry of type Ditch Project Page go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Ditch Project Page entry type
To create an entry of type FAQ go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the FAQ entry type
To create an entry of type Glossary go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Glossary entry type
Glossary Entry
To create an entry of type Glossary Entry go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Glossary Entry entry type
Home Page
To create an entry of type Home Page go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Home Page entry type
Mail Message
To create an entry of type Mail Message go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Mail Message entry type
Netflix Movie
To create an entry of type Netflix Movie go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Netflix Movie entry type
To create an entry of type Note go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Note entry type
To create an entry of type Notebook go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Notebook entry type
Paste Text Entry
To create an entry of type Paste Text Entry go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Paste Text Entry entry type
To create an entry of type RSS/ATOM Feed go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the RSS/ATOM Feed entry type
Remote FTP File View
To create an entry of type Remote FTP File View go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Remote FTP File View entry type
Shumla Site Form
To create an entry of type Shumla Site Form go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Shumla Site Form entry type
To create an entry of type Weblog go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Weblog entry type
Weblog Entry
To create an entry of type Weblog Entry go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Weblog Entry entry type
ZIP File
To create an entry of type ZIP File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ZIP File entry type
To create an entry of type RAMADDA CSV Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the RAMADDA CSV Data entry type
RAMADDA's CSV format
CSV Data
To create an entry of type CSV Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CSV Data entry type
A structured CSV data file
Record Text File
To create an entry of type Record Text File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Record Text File entry type
A unstructured text data file
Simple Records
To create an entry of type Simple Records go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Simple Records entry type
Inline Point File
To create an entry of type Inline Point File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Inline Point File entry type
Contains structured CSV data
Fetch Points
To create an entry of type Fetch Points go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Fetch Points entry type
Downloads the given URL every once in a while
JSON File as CSV
To create an entry of type JSON File as CSV go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the JSON File as CSV entry type
CSV File
To create an entry of type CSV File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CSV File entry type
To create an entry of type JSON Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the JSON Data entry type
Json Data File
To create an entry of type Json Data File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Json Data File entry type
Mermaid Diagram
To create an entry of type Mermaid Diagram go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Mermaid Diagram entry type
Point Collection Collection
To create an entry of type Point Collection Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Point Collection Collection entry type
Point Data Collection
To create an entry of type Point Data Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Point Data Collection entry type
Vega-Lite chart file
To create an entry of type Vega-Lite chart file go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Vega-Lite chart file entry type
XML File
To create an entry of type XML File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the XML File entry type
Archive Bio Record
To create an entry of type Archive Bio Record go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Archive Bio Record entry type
Archive Book
To create an entry of type Archive Book go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Archive Book entry type
Archive Collection
To create an entry of type Archive Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Archive Collection entry type
Archive File
To create an entry of type Archive File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Archive File entry type
Archive Item
To create an entry of type Archive Item go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Archive Item entry type
Archive Object
To create an entry of type Archive Object go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Archive Object entry type
Archive Section
To create an entry of type Archive Section go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Archive Section entry type
Archive Series
To create an entry of type Archive Series go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Archive Series entry type
Address Database
To create an entry of type Address Database go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Address Database entry type
Affordable Housing For Low And Moderate Income Households
To create an entry of type Affordable Housing For Low And Moderate Income Households go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Affordable Housing For Low And Moderate Income Households entry type
Agenda Items
To create an entry of type Agenda Items go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Agenda Items entry type
Airplane Crashes
To create an entry of type Airplane Crashes go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Airplane Crashes entry type
To create an entry of type Bookmarks go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Bookmarks entry type
Boston Crime
To create an entry of type Boston Crime go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Boston Crime entry type
Boulder Affordable Housing
To create an entry of type Boulder Affordable Housing go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Boulder Affordable Housing entry type
Boulder Campaign Contributions
To create an entry of type Boulder Campaign Contributions go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Boulder Campaign Contributions entry type
Boulder Campaign Expenditures
To create an entry of type Boulder Campaign Expenditures go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Boulder Campaign Expenditures entry type
Boulder Consulting
To create an entry of type Boulder Consulting go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Boulder Consulting entry type
Boulder County Voter Details
To create an entry of type Boulder County Voter Details go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Boulder County Voter Details entry type
Boulder County Voters
To create an entry of type Boulder County Voters go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Boulder County Voters entry type
Boulder Crime Reports
To create an entry of type Boulder Crime Reports go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Boulder Crime Reports entry type
Boulder Floodplain Addresses
To create an entry of type Boulder Floodplain Addresses go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Boulder Floodplain Addresses entry type
Boulder Rental Housing
To create an entry of type Boulder Rental Housing go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Boulder Rental Housing entry type
Campaign Donors
To create an entry of type Campaign Donors go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Campaign Donors entry type
Candidate Summary
To create an entry of type Candidate Summary go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Candidate Summary entry type
Cdhp Environmental Complaints
To create an entry of type Cdhp Environmental Complaints go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Cdhp Environmental Complaints entry type
Colorado Election Contributions
To create an entry of type Colorado Election Contributions go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Colorado Election Contributions entry type
Colorado Health Indicators
To create an entry of type Colorado Health Indicators go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Colorado Health Indicators entry type
Construction Permits
To create an entry of type Construction Permits go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Construction Permits entry type
Contact List
To create an entry of type Contact List go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Contact List entry type
To create an entry of type Crash2 go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Crash2 entry type
Data Survey
To create an entry of type Data Survey go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Data Survey entry type
Denver Traffic Accidents
To create an entry of type Denver Traffic Accidents go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Denver Traffic Accidents entry type
Development Plans
To create an entry of type Development Plans go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Development Plans entry type
Development Tasks
To create an entry of type Development Tasks go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Development Tasks entry type
Example Instrument
To create an entry of type Example Instrument go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Example Instrument entry type
To create an entry of type Exercise go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Exercise entry type
External Database
To create an entry of type External Database go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the External Database entry type
Flavors Of Cacao
To create an entry of type Flavors Of Cacao go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Flavors Of Cacao entry type
Geocoded Address Database
To create an entry of type Geocoded Address Database go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geocoded Address Database entry type
Global Fisheries Database
To create an entry of type Global Fisheries Database go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Global Fisheries Database entry type
Instrument Type 1
To create an entry of type Instrument Type 1 go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Instrument Type 1 entry type
Kickstarter Projects
To create an entry of type Kickstarter Projects go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Kickstarter Projects entry type
To create an entry of type Locations go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Locations entry type
NGA Tracks
To create an entry of type NGA Tracks go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NGA Tracks entry type
National Parks Species
To create an entry of type National Parks Species go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the National Parks Species entry type
To create an entry of type Notes go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Notes entry type
PPP Loans
To create an entry of type PPP Loans go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the PPP Loans entry type
To create an entry of type Ppp go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Ppp entry type
To create an entry of type Precincts go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Precincts entry type
Property Database
To create an entry of type Property Database go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Property Database entry type
Property Sales
To create an entry of type Property Sales go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Property Sales entry type
To create an entry of type Registrations go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Registrations entry type
Simple Yes-No Vote
To create an entry of type Simple Yes-No Vote go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Simple Yes-No Vote entry type
Status Board
To create an entry of type Status Board go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Status Board entry type
To create an entry of type Tasks go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Tasks entry type
Test CR1000 DB
To create an entry of type Test CR1000 DB go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Test CR1000 DB entry type
Test Echo Db
To create an entry of type Test Echo Db go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Test Echo Db entry type
Tmdb Movies
To create an entry of type Tmdb Movies go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Tmdb Movies entry type
To create an entry of type Todo go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Todo entry type
US Places
To create an entry of type US Places go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the US Places entry type
Ufo Sightings
To create an entry of type Ufo Sightings go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Ufo Sightings entry type
Wine Magazine Data
To create an entry of type Wine Magazine Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Wine Magazine Data entry type
GIS Data
Integrated Map Data
To create an entry of type Integrated Map Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Integrated Map Data entry type
Map Folder
To create an entry of type Map Folder go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Map Folder entry type
To create an entry of type GPX GPS File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GPX GPS File entry type
GeoJson Map
To create an entry of type GeoJson Map go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GeoJson Map entry type
To create an entry of type Geodatabase go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geodatabase entry type
To create an entry of type Shapefile go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Shapefile entry type
DBase File
To create an entry of type DBase File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the DBase File entry type
DEM File
To create an entry of type DEM File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the DEM File entry type
ESRI Feature Server
To create an entry of type ESRI Feature Server go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Feature Server entry type
ESRI GP Server
To create an entry of type ESRI GP Server go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI GP Server entry type
ESRI Geometry Server
To create an entry of type ESRI Geometry Server go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Geometry Server entry type
ESRI Image Server
To create an entry of type ESRI Image Server go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Image Server entry type
ESRI Layer
To create an entry of type ESRI Layer go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Layer entry type
ESRI Map Server
To create an entry of type ESRI Map Server go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Map Server entry type
ESRI Resource
To create an entry of type ESRI Resource go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Resource entry type
ESRI Rest Service
To create an entry of type ESRI Rest Service go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Rest Service entry type
ESRI Services Folder
To create an entry of type ESRI Services Folder go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Services Folder entry type
ESRI Web Server
To create an entry of type ESRI Web Server go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Web Server entry type
GDAL Raster
To create an entry of type GDAL Raster go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GDAL Raster entry type
To create an entry of type Geo PDF go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geo PDF entry type
To create an entry of type GeoTIFF go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GeoTIFF entry type
To create an entry of type KML/KMZ File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the KML/KMZ File entry type
Lat-Lon Image
To create an entry of type Lat-Lon Image go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Lat-Lon Image entry type
To create an entry of type NITF File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NITF File entry type
Shapefile with FIPS Code
To create an entry of type Shapefile with FIPS Code go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Shapefile with FIPS Code entry type
WMS Capabilities
To create an entry of type WMS Capabilities go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the WMS Capabilities entry type
WMS Layer
To create an entry of type WMS Layer go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the WMS Layer entry type
Geoscience Data
NWS Forecast Feed
To create an entry of type NWS Forecast Feed go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NWS Forecast Feed entry type
Aqua Modis Satellite Data
To create an entry of type Aqua Modis Satellite Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Aqua Modis Satellite Data entry type
Aster Satellite Data
To create an entry of type Aster Satellite Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Aster Satellite Data entry type
To create an entry of type CDM NOWRAD File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CDM NOWRAD File entry type
CSRS Solution
To create an entry of type CSRS Solution go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CSRS Solution entry type
To create an entry of type Catalog Link go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Catalog Link entry type
Control Points File
To create an entry of type Control Points File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Control Points File entry type
Dorade Radar File
To create an entry of type Dorade Radar File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Dorade Radar File entry type
GPS Folder
To create an entry of type GPS Folder go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GPS Folder entry type
Goes Satellite Data
To create an entry of type Goes Satellite Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Goes Satellite Data entry type
GrADS Binary File
To create an entry of type GrADS Binary File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GrADS Binary File entry type
Grid Aggregation
To create an entry of type Grid Aggregation go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Grid Aggregation entry type
Gridded Data File
To create an entry of type Gridded Data File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Gridded Data File entry type
HDF5 File
To create an entry of type HDF5 File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the HDF5 File entry type
IDV Bundle
To create an entry of type IDV Bundle go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the IDV Bundle entry type
Landsat Satellite Data
To create an entry of type Landsat Satellite Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Landsat Satellite Data entry type
Level 2 Radar File
To create an entry of type Level 2 Radar File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Level 2 Radar File entry type
Level 3 Radar File
To create an entry of type Level 3 Radar File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Level 3 Radar File entry type
To create an entry of type MERRA Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the MERRA Data entry type
OPUS Solution
To create an entry of type OPUS Solution go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OPUS Solution entry type
To create an entry of type OPeNDAP Link go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OPeNDAP Link entry type
Point Database
To create an entry of type Point Database go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Point Database entry type
To create an entry of type RINEX File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the RINEX File entry type
Raw GPS File
To create an entry of type Raw GPS File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Raw GPS File entry type
Spot Satellite Data
To create an entry of type Spot Satellite Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Spot Satellite Data entry type
THREDDS Catalog View
To create an entry of type THREDDS Catalog View go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the THREDDS Catalog View entry type
Terra Modis Satellite Data
To create an entry of type Terra Modis Satellite Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Terra Modis Satellite Data entry type
Trimble Business Center zip
To create an entry of type Trimble Business Center zip go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Trimble Business Center zip entry type
Trimble Project File
To create an entry of type Trimble Project File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Trimble Project File entry type
Universal Format Radar File
To create an entry of type Universal Format Radar File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Universal Format Radar File entry type
WRF Namelist File
To create an entry of type WRF Namelist File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the WRF Namelist File entry type
Borehole Data
Geo Corebox JSON
To create an entry of type Geo Corebox JSON go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geo Corebox JSON entry type
Borehole Field Plot
To create an entry of type Borehole Field Plot go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Borehole Field Plot entry type
Borehole Image
To create an entry of type Borehole Image go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Borehole Image entry type
Borehole Lithology
To create an entry of type Borehole Lithology go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Borehole Lithology entry type
Borehole Log File
To create an entry of type Borehole Log File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Borehole Log File entry type
Core XRF File
To create an entry of type Core XRF File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Core XRF File entry type
Digital Log Interchange Standard
To create an entry of type Digital Log Interchange Standard go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Digital Log Interchange Standard entry type
Geo Core Image
To create an entry of type Geo Core Image go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geo Core Image entry type
Geo Corebox CSV
To create an entry of type Geo Corebox CSV go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geo Corebox CSV entry type
Geo Project
To create an entry of type Geo Project go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geo Project entry type
Geo Site
To create an entry of type Geo Site go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geo Site entry type
Log ASCII Standard
To create an entry of type Log ASCII Standard go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Log ASCII Standard entry type
WellCAD Log File
To create an entry of type WellCAD Log File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the WellCAD Log File entry type
Point Data
2D Track CSV Data
To create an entry of type 2D Track CSV Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the 2D Track CSV Data entry type
3D Track CSV Data
To create an entry of type 3D Track CSV Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the 3D Track CSV Data entry type
AMRC Final QC Data
To create an entry of type AMRC Final QC Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the AMRC Final QC Data entry type
AMRC Freewave Data
To create an entry of type AMRC Freewave Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the AMRC Freewave Data entry type
ATCF Hurricane Track
To create an entry of type ATCF Hurricane Track go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ATCF Hurricane Track entry type
AWC Weather Observations
To create an entry of type AWC Weather Observations go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the AWC Weather Observations entry type
When creating a new entry:
You just need to specify the Site ID. See the maps on RAMADDA
Ameriflux Level 2 CSV File
To create an entry of type Ameriflux Level 2 CSV File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Ameriflux Level 2 CSV File entry type
Arctic Freshwater Switchyard Data
To create an entry of type Arctic Freshwater Switchyard Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Arctic Freshwater Switchyard Data entry type
Bobs CSV
To create an entry of type Bobs CSV go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Bobs CSV entry type
Borehole Temperature Data
To create an entry of type Borehole Temperature Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Borehole Temperature Data entry type
CEOP Surface File
To create an entry of type CEOP Surface File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CEOP Surface File entry type
CEOP Tower File
To create an entry of type CEOP Tower File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CEOP Tower File entry type
CMC SWE Monthly
To create an entry of type CMC SWE Monthly go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CMC SWE Monthly entry type
COD Sounding
To create an entry of type COD Sounding go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the COD Sounding entry type
CR1000 Data Logger File
To create an entry of type CR1000 Data Logger File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CR1000 Data Logger File entry type
CZO Display File Format
To create an entry of type CZO Display File Format go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CZO Display File Format entry type
Daymet Daily Weather
To create an entry of type Daymet Daily Weather go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Daymet Daily Weather entry type
Provides access to the Daymet historic weather data provided by Oak Ridge National Labs When creating a new entry:
Specify the latitude/longitude
Example point type
To create an entry of type Example point type go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Example point type entry type
FRD Sounding
To create an entry of type FRD Sounding go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the FRD Sounding entry type
Foo Entry Type
To create an entry of type Foo Entry Type go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Foo Entry Type entry type
GC-Net Point Data
To create an entry of type GC-Net Point Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GC-Net Point Data entry type
GSD Sounding
To create an entry of type GSD Sounding go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GSD Sounding entry type
Global Geodynamics GGP Format
To create an entry of type Global Geodynamics GGP Format go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Global Geodynamics GGP Format entry type
HOBO Data Logger File
To create an entry of type HOBO Data Logger File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the HOBO Data Logger File entry type
IAGA 2002 Geomagnetism Data
To create an entry of type IAGA 2002 Geomagnetism Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the IAGA 2002 Geomagnetism Data entry type
IDV Point File
To create an entry of type IDV Point File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the IDV Point File entry type
To create an entry of type KBOCC Map go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the KBOCC Map entry type
KBOCC Merged Data
To create an entry of type KBOCC Merged Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the KBOCC Merged Data entry type
To create an entry of type KBOCC Site go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the KBOCC Site entry type
KBOCC Water Sensor
To create an entry of type KBOCC Water Sensor go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the KBOCC Water Sensor entry type
M88 Geomagnetism Data
To create an entry of type M88 Geomagnetism Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the M88 Geomagnetism Data entry type
Mapipedia Track Data
To create an entry of type Mapipedia Track Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Mapipedia Track Data entry type
To create an entry of type NASA AMES File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NASA AMES File entry type
NC DC Climate Data
To create an entry of type NC DC Climate Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NC DC Climate Data entry type
NOAA Atomic Sounding
To create an entry of type NOAA Atomic Sounding go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Atomic Sounding entry type
NOAA Carbon Measurements
To create an entry of type NOAA Carbon Measurements go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Carbon Measurements entry type
NOAA Flask Event Measurements
To create an entry of type NOAA Flask Event Measurements go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Flask Event Measurements entry type
NOAA Flask Month Measurements
To create an entry of type NOAA Flask Month Measurements go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Flask Month Measurements entry type
NOAA Global Surface Summary of Day
To create an entry of type NOAA Global Surface Summary of Day go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Global Surface Summary of Day entry type
To create an entry of type NOAA ISD Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA ISD Data entry type
To create an entry of type NOAA MADIS Point Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA MADIS Point Data entry type
NOAA Tower Network
To create an entry of type NOAA Tower Network go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Tower Network entry type
To create an entry of type NREL TMY Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NREL TMY Data entry type
NWS Current Observations
To create an entry of type NWS Current Observations go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NWS Current Observations entry type
NetCDF Point File
To create an entry of type NetCDF Point File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Point File entry type
NetCDF Point Subset
To create an entry of type NetCDF Point Subset go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Point Subset entry type
NetCDF Single Point Grid File
To create an entry of type NetCDF Single Point Grid File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Single Point Grid File entry type
NetCDF Trajectory Data
To create an entry of type NetCDF Trajectory Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Trajectory Data entry type
Open AQ Air Quality
To create an entry of type Open AQ Air Quality go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Open AQ Air Quality entry type
When creating a new entry:
You just need to enter the Sensor ID. To find the ID view the map at https://explore.openaq.org/, select the station then click on "Show Details". The ID is in the URL, e.g. 232797 in https://explore.openaq.org/locations/232797
PBO Position Time Series
To create an entry of type PBO Position Time Series go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the PBO Position Time Series entry type
Purple Air Sensor
To create an entry of type Purple Air Sensor go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Purple Air Sensor entry type
SNOTEL Snow Data
To create an entry of type SNOTEL Snow Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SNOTEL Snow Data entry type
When creating a new entry:
You just need to specify the Site number.
  • View the SNOTEL sites at noaa.gov
  • Select a SNOTEL site and view the Site Page under Data Reports
  • Get the Site ID from the URL, e.g. "1061" - https://wcc.sc.egov.usda.gov/nwcc/site?sitenum=1061
Sheba Point File
To create an entry of type Sheba Point File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Sheba Point File entry type
SondeHub JSON Data
To create an entry of type SondeHub JSON Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SondeHub JSON Data entry type
T28 NetCDF Trajectory Data
To create an entry of type T28 NetCDF Trajectory Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the T28 NetCDF Trajectory Data entry type
Text Sounding
To create an entry of type Text Sounding go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Text Sounding entry type
UW Sounding
To create an entry of type UW Sounding go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the UW Sounding entry type
To create an entry of type WaterML go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the WaterML entry type
ATM Ice SSN Data
To create an entry of type ATM Ice SSN Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ATM Ice SSN Data entry type
To create an entry of type ATM QFIT Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ATM QFIT Data entry type
BGM-3 Gravimeter V09
To create an entry of type BGM-3 Gravimeter V09 go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the BGM-3 Gravimeter V09 entry type
BGM-3 Gravimeter V11
To create an entry of type BGM-3 Gravimeter V11 go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the BGM-3 Gravimeter V11 entry type
IGGRV1B Air Gravity Anomaly
To create an entry of type IGGRV1B Air Gravity Anomaly go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the IGGRV1B Air Gravity Anomaly entry type
McCords Irmcr2 Data
To create an entry of type McCords Irmcr2 Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the McCords Irmcr2 Data entry type
McCords Irmcr3 Data
To create an entry of type McCords Irmcr3 Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the McCords Irmcr3 Data entry type
Paris Data
To create an entry of type Paris Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Paris Data entry type
Animal Track Data
To create an entry of type Animal Track Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Animal Track Data entry type
Wildlife Animal
To create an entry of type Wildlife Animal go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Wildlife Animal entry type
Wildlife Study
To create an entry of type Wildlife Study go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Wildlife Study entry type
Wildlife Tag
To create an entry of type Wildlife Tag go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Wildlife Tag entry type
Any NEON Data
To create an entry of type Any NEON Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Any NEON Data entry type
To create an entry of type NEON Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NEON Data entry type
South Dakota Water Rights
To create an entry of type South Dakota Water Rights go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the South Dakota Water Rights entry type
Waggle Data
To create an entry of type Waggle Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Waggle Data entry type
Climate Data
Basic Climate Model File
To create an entry of type Basic Climate Model File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Basic Climate Model File entry type
C20C+ Climate Data Collection
To create an entry of type C20C+ Climate Data Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the C20C+ Climate Data Collection entry type
C20C+ Model File
To create an entry of type C20C+ Model File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the C20C+ Model File entry type
CMIP5 Model Collection
To create an entry of type CMIP5 Model Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CMIP5 Model Collection entry type
CMIP5 Model File
To create an entry of type CMIP5 Model File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CMIP5 Model File entry type
Climate Data Collection
To create an entry of type Climate Data Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Climate Data Collection entry type
Climate Extremes Stations
To create an entry of type Climate Extremes Stations go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Climate Extremes Stations entry type
Climate Model Description
To create an entry of type Climate Model Description go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Climate Model Description entry type
NOAA Extremes Data
To create an entry of type NOAA Extremes Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Extremes Data entry type
NOAA Extremes Maps
To create an entry of type NOAA Extremes Maps go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Extremes Maps entry type
NOAA FACTS Climate Data Collection
To create an entry of type NOAA FACTS Climate Data Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA FACTS Climate Data Collection entry type
NOAA FACTS Climate Model File
To create an entry of type NOAA FACTS Climate Model File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA FACTS Climate Model File entry type
NOAA-PSL Monthly Climate Index
To create an entry of type NOAA-PSL Monthly Climate Index go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA-PSL Monthly Climate Index entry type
USHCN Point Database
To create an entry of type USHCN Point Database go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USHCN Point Database entry type
Ocean and Water Data
Basic MB point file
To create an entry of type Basic MB point file go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Basic MB point file entry type
Bathymetry Collection
To create an entry of type Bathymetry Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Bathymetry Collection entry type
CSV Easycurrents Data
To create an entry of type CSV Easycurrents Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CSV Easycurrents Data entry type
Castaway CTD Data
To create an entry of type Castaway CTD Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Castaway CTD Data entry type
Colorado DNR Stream Gage
To create an entry of type Colorado DNR Stream Gage go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Colorado DNR Stream Gage entry type
EX0 Profiler
To create an entry of type EX0 Profiler go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the EX0 Profiler entry type
EX02 Sonde
To create an entry of type EX02 Sonde go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the EX02 Sonde entry type
EX02 Time Series
To create an entry of type EX02 Time Series go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the EX02 Time Series entry type
Interagency Sea Level Rise (ISLR)
To create an entry of type Interagency Sea Level Rise (ISLR) go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Interagency Sea Level Rise (ISLR) entry type
When creating a new entry:
Download the XLS files from sealevel.nasa.gov
Interagency Sea Level Rise - Observations
To create an entry of type Interagency Sea Level Rise - Observations go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Interagency Sea Level Rise - Observations entry type
When creating a new entry:
Download the XLS files from sealevel.nasa.gov
MB Bathymetry
To create an entry of type MB Bathymetry go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the MB Bathymetry entry type
NDBC Buoy Data
To create an entry of type NDBC Buoy Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NDBC Buoy Data entry type
When creating a new entry:
Just need to specify the Station ID. See the map at nbdc.noaa.gov
NOAA Tides - File
To create an entry of type NOAA Tides - File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Tides - File entry type
When creating a new entry:
View station IDS at NOAA Tides and Currents Site
NOAA Tides - Monthly Mean
To create an entry of type NOAA Tides - Monthly Mean go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Tides - Monthly Mean entry type
When creating a new entry:
View station IDS at NOAA Tides and Currents Site
NOAA Tides - Sea Level Trend
To create an entry of type NOAA Tides - Sea Level Trend go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Tides - Sea Level Trend entry type
When creating a new entry:
Just specify the Station ID and RAMADDA will download the trends file from NOAA. You can view the trends data for a station, e.g. https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/sltrends/sltrends_station.shtml?id=8575512
NOAA Tides - Water Level
To create an entry of type NOAA Tides - Water Level go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Tides - Water Level entry type
When creating a new entry:
Either specify a station and product or upload a file.
View station IDS at NOAA Tides and Currents Site
To create an entry of type NORTEK ADCP Buoy go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NORTEK ADCP Buoy entry type
NetCDF Easycurrents Data
To create an entry of type NetCDF Easycurrents Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Easycurrents Data entry type
NetCDF Glider Data
To create an entry of type NetCDF Glider Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Glider Data entry type
NetCDF Track Data
To create an entry of type NetCDF Track Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Track Data entry type
OOI Data
To create an entry of type OOI Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OOI Data entry type
SADO Meteo Data
To create an entry of type SADO Meteo Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SADO Meteo Data entry type
SADO Position Data
To create an entry of type SADO Position Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SADO Position Data entry type
To create an entry of type SADO TTS Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SADO TTS Data entry type
SOFAR Buoy Data
To create an entry of type SOFAR Buoy Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SOFAR Buoy Data entry type
SOFAR Buoy Data from API
To create an entry of type SOFAR Buoy Data from API go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SOFAR Buoy Data from API entry type
When creating a new entry:
Just need to specify a name and the Spotter ID. Make sure you have the property:property.sofar.api.key set in your RAMADDA
SeaBird CNV Data
To create an entry of type SeaBird CNV Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SeaBird CNV Data entry type
To create an entry of type USBR RISE Hyrdo go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USBR RISE Hyrdo entry type
When creating a new entry:
  • Find sites at USBR Map
  • From the map popup click on the link Send location to RISE time series query page
  • Note the location ID from the URL, e.g. "3511" - https://data.usbr.gov/time-series/selection?lo=3511
  • Enter the location ID below. This will extract location and metadata
  • Select and download the desired data and upload the CSV file here
To create an entry of type USGS File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USGS File entry type
USGS Groundwater Site
To create an entry of type USGS Groundwater Site go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USGS Groundwater Site entry type
When creating a new entry:
You just need to specify the Agency/Site. The name and other metadata will be looked up from the USGS site.
USGS Stream Gauge
To create an entry of type USGS Stream Gauge go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USGS Stream Gauge entry type
Provides access to real-time USGS Stream Gauge data When creating a new entry:
You just need to specify the Site Number. The name and other metadata will be looked up from the USGS site.
USGS Stream Gauge Peak Flow
To create an entry of type USGS Stream Gauge Peak Flow go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USGS Stream Gauge Peak Flow entry type
When creating a new entry:
You just need to specify the Site Number. The name and other metadata will be looked up from the USGS site.
LAS Lidar Data
To create an entry of type LAS Lidar Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the LAS Lidar Data entry type
LVIS Lidar Data
To create an entry of type LVIS Lidar Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the LVIS Lidar Data entry type
LiDAR Collection
To create an entry of type LiDAR Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the LiDAR Collection entry type
LiDAR Data
To create an entry of type LiDAR Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the LiDAR Data entry type
Plant Data
Plantflux Test
To create an entry of type Plantflux Test go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Plantflux Test entry type
RDX Collection
To create an entry of type RDX Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the RDX Collection entry type
RDX Radiometer
To create an entry of type RDX Radiometer go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the RDX Radiometer entry type
RDX Sodar
To create an entry of type RDX Sodar go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the RDX Sodar entry type
RDX Wind Profiler
To create an entry of type RDX Wind Profiler go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the RDX Wind Profiler entry type
To create an entry of type AWS S3 go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the AWS S3 entry type
HipChat Group
To create an entry of type HipChat Group go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the HipChat Group entry type
SOCRATA Repository
To create an entry of type SOCRATA Repository go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SOCRATA Repository entry type
To create an entry of type SOCRATA Series go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SOCRATA Series entry type
Slack Team
To create an entry of type Slack Team go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Slack Team entry type
Business Data
BLS Series
To create an entry of type BLS Series go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the BLS Series entry type
BLS Survey
To create an entry of type BLS Survey go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the BLS Survey entry type
EIA Category
To create an entry of type EIA Category go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the EIA Category entry type
EIA Series
To create an entry of type EIA Series go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the EIA Series entry type
Enigma Table
To create an entry of type Enigma Table go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Enigma Table entry type
FRED Category
To create an entry of type FRED Category go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the FRED Category entry type
FRED Series
To create an entry of type FRED Series go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the FRED Series entry type
Github Commits
To create an entry of type Github Commits go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Github Commits entry type
MISO Foreacast XML
To create an entry of type MISO Foreacast XML go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the MISO Foreacast XML entry type
To create an entry of type QUANDL Series go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the QUANDL Series entry type
To create an entry of type SEC EDGAR Filing go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SEC EDGAR Filing entry type
Stock Ticker Data
To create an entry of type Stock Ticker Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Stock Ticker Data entry type
US Census ACS Data
To create an entry of type US Census ACS Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the US Census ACS Data entry type
US Census ACS Data - Age
To create an entry of type US Census ACS Data - Age go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the US Census ACS Data - Age entry type
US Census ACS Data - Children
To create an entry of type US Census ACS Data - Children go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the US Census ACS Data - Children entry type
US Census ACS Data - Commuting
To create an entry of type US Census ACS Data - Commuting go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the US Census ACS Data - Commuting entry type
US Census ACS Data - Education
To create an entry of type US Census ACS Data - Education go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the US Census ACS Data - Education entry type
US Census ACS Data - Housing
To create an entry of type US Census ACS Data - Housing go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the US Census ACS Data - Housing entry type
US Census ACS Data - Nationality
To create an entry of type US Census ACS Data - Nationality go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the US Census ACS Data - Nationality entry type
US Census ACS Data - Poverty
To create an entry of type US Census ACS Data - Poverty go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the US Census ACS Data - Poverty entry type
US Census ACS Data - Race
To create an entry of type US Census ACS Data - Race go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the US Census ACS Data - Race entry type
To create an entry of type USDA ARMS Crop Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USDA ARMS Crop Data entry type
USDA ARMS Finance Data
To create an entry of type USDA ARMS Finance Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USDA ARMS Finance Data entry type
To create an entry of type USDA NASS Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USDA NASS Data entry type
To create an entry of type Calendar go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Calendar entry type
Calendar Entry
To create an entry of type Calendar Entry go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Calendar Entry entry type
Hazard Data
To create an entry of type Hazard Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Hazard Data entry type
To create an entry of type Incident go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Incident entry type
To create an entry of type Poll go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Poll entry type
To create an entry of type Clock go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Clock entry type
To create an entry of type Countdown go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Countdown entry type
To create an entry of type IFrames go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the IFrames entry type
To create an entry of type Multiple Search go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Multiple Search entry type
Stock Ticker
To create an entry of type Stock Ticker go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Stock Ticker entry type
Sunrise/Sunset Display
To create an entry of type Sunrise/Sunset Display go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Sunrise/Sunset Display entry type
To create an entry of type Tweet go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Tweet entry type
To create an entry of type Community go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Community entry type
Community Member
To create an entry of type Community Member go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Community Member entry type
Community Organization
To create an entry of type Community Organization go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Community Organization entry type
Cultural Site
To create an entry of type Cultural Site go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Cultural Site entry type
Data Hub
To create an entry of type Data Hub go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Data Hub entry type
Development Review Case
To create an entry of type Development Review Case go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Development Review Case entry type
To create an entry of type Facility go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Facility entry type
Missing Person CSV
To create an entry of type Missing Person CSV go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Missing Person CSV entry type
When creating a new entry:
This takes the CSV export file from the Missing Person search
Missing person
To create an entry of type Missing person go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Missing person entry type
Transit Agency
To create an entry of type Transit Agency go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Transit Agency entry type
Transit Route
To create an entry of type Transit Route go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Transit Route entry type
Transit Route Collection
To create an entry of type Transit Route Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Transit Route Collection entry type
Transit Stop
To create an entry of type Transit Stop go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Transit Stop entry type
Transit Stop Collection
To create an entry of type Transit Stop Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Transit Stop Collection entry type
Transit Trip
To create an entry of type Transit Trip go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Transit Trip entry type
Tribal Data Hub
To create an entry of type Tribal Data Hub go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Tribal Data Hub entry type
Trip Report
To create an entry of type Trip Report go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Trip Report entry type
To create an entry of type Assay go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Assay entry type
To create an entry of type Cohort go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Cohort entry type
To create an entry of type DICOM File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the DICOM File entry type
DICOM Test File
To create an entry of type DICOM Test File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the DICOM Test File entry type
DICOM Text File
To create an entry of type DICOM Text File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the DICOM Text File entry type
To create an entry of type OME TIFF File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OME TIFF File entry type
To create an entry of type Person go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Person entry type
To create an entry of type Sample go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Sample entry type
To create an entry of type Series go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Series entry type
To create an entry of type Study go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Study entry type
Taxonomic Entry
To create an entry of type Taxonomic Entry go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Taxonomic Entry entry type
BAM Data
To create an entry of type BAM Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the BAM Data entry type
BED format
To create an entry of type BED format go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the BED format entry type
To create an entry of type BIOM File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the BIOM File entry type
To create an entry of type FASTA File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the FASTA File entry type
To create an entry of type FASTQ File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the FASTQ File entry type
Gene Transfer Format
To create an entry of type Gene Transfer Format go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Gene Transfer Format entry type
General Feature Format
To create an entry of type General Feature Format go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the General Feature Format entry type
HMMER Index File
To create an entry of type HMMER Index File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the HMMER Index File entry type
Multiple Alignment Format
To create an entry of type Multiple Alignment Format go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Multiple Alignment Format entry type
PDB Protein File
To create an entry of type PDB Protein File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the PDB Protein File entry type
SAM Data
To create an entry of type SAM Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SAM Data entry type
Sequence Read Archive
To create an entry of type Sequence Read Archive go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Sequence Read Archive entry type
Stockholm File
To create an entry of type Stockholm File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Stockholm File entry type
Wiggle (WIG) Format
To create an entry of type Wiggle (WIG) Format go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Wiggle (WIG) Format entry type
Science and Education
Science Project
To create an entry of type Campaign go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Campaign entry type
Case Study
To create an entry of type Case Study go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Case Study entry type
To create an entry of type Contact go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Contact entry type
To create an entry of type Dataset go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Dataset entry type
To create an entry of type Deployment go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Deployment entry type
To create an entry of type Experiment go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Experiment entry type
FAIR Data Collection
To create an entry of type FAIR Data Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the FAIR Data Collection entry type
Field Note
To create an entry of type Field Note go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Field Note entry type
Field Project Equipment
To create an entry of type Field Project Equipment go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Field Project Equipment entry type
Instrument Data Collection
To create an entry of type Instrument Data Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Instrument Data Collection entry type
To create an entry of type Meeting go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Meeting entry type
To create an entry of type Organization go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Organization entry type
To create an entry of type Program go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Program entry type
To create an entry of type Project go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Project entry type
Research Contribution
To create an entry of type Research Contribution go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Research Contribution entry type
To create an entry of type Site go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Site entry type
Site Assessment
To create an entry of type Site Assessment go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Site Assessment entry type
Site Visit
To create an entry of type Site Visit go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Site Visit entry type
Survey Location
To create an entry of type Survey Location go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Survey Location entry type
TLS Scan
To create an entry of type TLS Scan go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the TLS Scan entry type
Teaching Resource
To create an entry of type Teaching Resource go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Teaching Resource entry type
To create an entry of type Course go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Course entry type
To create an entry of type Department go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Department entry type
To create an entry of type Meeting go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Meeting entry type
Data Access Service
To create an entry of type Data Access Service go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Data Access Service entry type
Data Format
To create an entry of type Data Format go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Data Format entry type
Data Policy
To create an entry of type Data Policy go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Data Policy entry type
Data Policy Source
To create an entry of type Data Policy Source go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Data Policy Source entry type
Metadata Collection
To create an entry of type Metadata Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Metadata Collection entry type
Metadata Dictionary
To create an entry of type Metadata Dictionary go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Metadata Dictionary entry type
Metadata Field
To create an entry of type Metadata Field go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Metadata Field entry type
Service Group
To create an entry of type Service Group go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Service Group entry type
To create an entry of type Service Link go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Service Link entry type
Service Xml File
To create an entry of type Service Xml File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Service Xml File entry type
Software Tool
To create an entry of type Software Tool go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Software Tool entry type
Standard Parameter Name
To create an entry of type Standard Parameter Name go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Standard Parameter Name entry type
Usage Descriptor
To create an entry of type Usage Descriptor go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Usage Descriptor entry type
To create an entry of type Vocabulary go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Vocabulary entry type
Vocabulary Term
To create an entry of type Vocabulary Term go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Vocabulary Term entry type
IPython Notebook file
To create an entry of type IPython Notebook file go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the IPython Notebook file entry type
Java File
To create an entry of type Java File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Java File entry type
Javascript File
To create an entry of type Javascript File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Javascript File entry type
Matlab Code File
To create an entry of type Matlab Code File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Matlab Code File entry type
Matlab Data File
To create an entry of type Matlab Data File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Matlab Data File entry type
Python source file
To create an entry of type Python source file go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Python source file entry type
R File
To create an entry of type R File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the R File entry type
Shell Script
To create an entry of type Shell Script go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Shell Script entry type
OWL Activity
To create an entry of type OWL Activity go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OWL Activity entry type
OWL Class
To create an entry of type OWL Class go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OWL Class entry type
OWL Collection
To create an entry of type OWL Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OWL Collection entry type
OWL Ontology
To create an entry of type OWL Ontology go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OWL Ontology entry type
OWL Party
To create an entry of type OWL Party go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OWL Party entry type
OWL Service
To create an entry of type OWL Service go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OWL Service entry type