To create an entry of type Integrated Map Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Integrated Map Data entry type
To create an entry of type Map Folder go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Map Folder entry type
To create an entry of type GPX GPS File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GPX GPS File entry type
To create an entry of type GeoJson Map go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GeoJson Map entry type
To create an entry of type Geodatabase go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geodatabase entry type
To create an entry of type Shapefile go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Shapefile entry type
To create an entry of type DBase File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the DBase File entry type
To create an entry of type DEM File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the DEM File entry type
To create an entry of type ESRI Feature Server go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Feature Server entry type
To create an entry of type ESRI GP Server go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI GP Server entry type
To create an entry of type ESRI Geometry Server go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Geometry Server entry type
To create an entry of type ESRI Image Server go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Image Server entry type
To create an entry of type ESRI Layer go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Layer entry type
To create an entry of type ESRI Map Server go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Map Server entry type
To create an entry of type ESRI Resource go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Resource entry type
To create an entry of type ESRI Rest Service go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Rest Service entry type
To create an entry of type ESRI Services Folder go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Services Folder entry type
To create an entry of type ESRI Web Server go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ESRI Web Server entry type
To create an entry of type GDAL Raster go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GDAL Raster entry type
To create an entry of type Geo PDF go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geo PDF entry type
To create an entry of type GeoTIFF go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GeoTIFF entry type
To create an entry of type KML/KMZ File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the KML/KMZ File entry type
To create an entry of type Lat-Lon Image go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Lat-Lon Image entry type
To create an entry of type NITF File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NITF File entry type
To create an entry of type Shapefile with FIPS Code go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Shapefile with FIPS Code entry type
To create an entry of type WMS Capabilities go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the WMS Capabilities entry type
To create an entry of type WMS Layer go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the WMS Layer entry type
To create an entry of type NWS Forecast Feed go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NWS Forecast Feed entry type
Aqua Modis Satellite Data
To create an entry of type Aqua Modis Satellite Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Aqua Modis Satellite Data entry type
To create an entry of type Aster Satellite Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Aster Satellite Data entry type
To create an entry of type CDM NOWRAD File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CDM NOWRAD File entry type
To create an entry of type CSRS Solution go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CSRS Solution entry type
To create an entry of type Catalog Link go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Catalog Link entry type
To create an entry of type Control Points File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Control Points File entry type
To create an entry of type Dorade Radar File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Dorade Radar File entry type
To create an entry of type GPS Folder go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GPS Folder entry type
To create an entry of type Goes Satellite Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Goes Satellite Data entry type
To create an entry of type GrADS Binary File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GrADS Binary File entry type
To create an entry of type Grid Aggregation go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Grid Aggregation entry type
To create an entry of type Gridded Data File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Gridded Data File entry type
To create an entry of type HDF5 File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the HDF5 File entry type
To create an entry of type IDV Bundle go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the IDV Bundle entry type
To create an entry of type Landsat Satellite Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Landsat Satellite Data entry type
To create an entry of type Level 2 Radar File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Level 2 Radar File entry type
To create an entry of type Level 3 Radar File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Level 3 Radar File entry type
To create an entry of type MERRA Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the MERRA Data entry type
To create an entry of type OPUS Solution go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OPUS Solution entry type
To create an entry of type OPeNDAP Link go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OPeNDAP Link entry type
To create an entry of type Point Database go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Point Database entry type
To create an entry of type RINEX File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the RINEX File entry type
To create an entry of type Raw GPS File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Raw GPS File entry type
To create an entry of type Spot Satellite Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Spot Satellite Data entry type
To create an entry of type THREDDS Catalog View go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the THREDDS Catalog View entry type
Terra Modis Satellite Data
To create an entry of type Terra Modis Satellite Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Terra Modis Satellite Data entry type
Trimble Business Center zip
To create an entry of type Trimble Business Center zip go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Trimble Business Center zip entry type
To create an entry of type Trimble Project File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Trimble Project File entry type
Universal Format Radar File
To create an entry of type Universal Format Radar File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Universal Format Radar File entry type
To create an entry of type WRF Namelist File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the WRF Namelist File entry type
To create an entry of type Geo Corebox JSON go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geo Corebox JSON entry type
To create an entry of type Borehole Field Plot go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Borehole Field Plot entry type
To create an entry of type Borehole Image go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Borehole Image entry type
To create an entry of type Borehole Lithology go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Borehole Lithology entry type
To create an entry of type Borehole Log File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Borehole Log File entry type
To create an entry of type Core XRF File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Core XRF File entry type
Digital Log Interchange Standard
To create an entry of type Digital Log Interchange Standard go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Digital Log Interchange Standard entry type
To create an entry of type Geo Core Image go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geo Core Image entry type
To create an entry of type Geo Corebox CSV go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geo Corebox CSV entry type
To create an entry of type Geo Project go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geo Project entry type
To create an entry of type Geo Site go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Geo Site entry type
To create an entry of type Log ASCII Standard go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Log ASCII Standard entry type
To create an entry of type WellCAD Log File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the WellCAD Log File entry type
To create an entry of type 2D Track CSV Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the 2D Track CSV Data entry type
To create an entry of type 3D Track CSV Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the 3D Track CSV Data entry type
To create an entry of type AMRC Final QC Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the AMRC Final QC Data entry type
To create an entry of type AMRC Freewave Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the AMRC Freewave Data entry type
To create an entry of type ATCF Hurricane Track go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the ATCF Hurricane Track entry type
To create an entry of type AWC Weather Observations go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the AWC Weather Observations entry type
When creating a new entry:
| You just need to specify the Site ID. See the maps on RAMADDA
Ameriflux Level 2 CSV File
To create an entry of type Ameriflux Level 2 CSV File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Ameriflux Level 2 CSV File entry type
Arctic Freshwater Switchyard Data
To create an entry of type Arctic Freshwater Switchyard Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Arctic Freshwater Switchyard Data entry type
To create an entry of type Bobs CSV go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Bobs CSV entry type
Borehole Temperature Data
To create an entry of type Borehole Temperature Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Borehole Temperature Data entry type
To create an entry of type CEOP Surface File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CEOP Surface File entry type
To create an entry of type CEOP Tower File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CEOP Tower File entry type
To create an entry of type CMC SWE Monthly go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CMC SWE Monthly entry type
To create an entry of type COD Sounding go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the COD Sounding entry type
To create an entry of type CR1000 Data Logger File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CR1000 Data Logger File entry type
To create an entry of type CZO Display File Format go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CZO Display File Format entry type
To create an entry of type Daymet Daily Weather go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Daymet Daily Weather entry type
Provides access to the Daymet historic weather data provided by Oak Ridge National Labs
When creating a new entry:
Specify the latitude/longitude
To create an entry of type Example point type go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Example point type entry type
To create an entry of type FRD Sounding go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the FRD Sounding entry type
To create an entry of type Foo Entry Type go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Foo Entry Type entry type
To create an entry of type GC-Net Point Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GC-Net Point Data entry type
To create an entry of type GSD Sounding go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the GSD Sounding entry type
Global Geodynamics GGP Format
To create an entry of type Global Geodynamics GGP Format go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Global Geodynamics GGP Format entry type
To create an entry of type HOBO Data Logger File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the HOBO Data Logger File entry type
IAGA 2002 Geomagnetism Data
To create an entry of type IAGA 2002 Geomagnetism Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the IAGA 2002 Geomagnetism Data entry type
To create an entry of type IDV Point File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the IDV Point File entry type
To create an entry of type KBOCC Map go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the KBOCC Map entry type
To create an entry of type KBOCC Merged Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the KBOCC Merged Data entry type
To create an entry of type KBOCC Site go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the KBOCC Site entry type
To create an entry of type KBOCC Water Sensor go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the KBOCC Water Sensor entry type
To create an entry of type M88 Geomagnetism Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the M88 Geomagnetism Data entry type
To create an entry of type Mapipedia Track Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Mapipedia Track Data entry type
To create an entry of type NASA AMES File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NASA AMES File entry type
To create an entry of type NC DC Climate Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NC DC Climate Data entry type
To create an entry of type NOAA Atomic Sounding go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Atomic Sounding entry type
To create an entry of type NOAA Carbon Measurements go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Carbon Measurements entry type
NOAA Flask Event Measurements
To create an entry of type NOAA Flask Event Measurements go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Flask Event Measurements entry type
NOAA Flask Month Measurements
To create an entry of type NOAA Flask Month Measurements go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Flask Month Measurements entry type
NOAA Global Surface Summary of Day
To create an entry of type NOAA Global Surface Summary of Day go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Global Surface Summary of Day entry type
To create an entry of type NOAA ISD Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA ISD Data entry type
To create an entry of type NOAA MADIS Point Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA MADIS Point Data entry type
To create an entry of type NOAA Tower Network go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Tower Network entry type
To create an entry of type NREL TMY Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NREL TMY Data entry type
To create an entry of type NWS Current Observations go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NWS Current Observations entry type
To create an entry of type NetCDF Point File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Point File entry type
To create an entry of type NetCDF Point Subset go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Point Subset entry type
NetCDF Single Point Grid File
To create an entry of type NetCDF Single Point Grid File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Single Point Grid File entry type
To create an entry of type NetCDF Trajectory Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Trajectory Data entry type
To create an entry of type Open AQ Air Quality go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Open AQ Air Quality entry type
When creating a new entry:
To create an entry of type PBO Position Time Series go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the PBO Position Time Series entry type
To create an entry of type Purple Air Sensor go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Purple Air Sensor entry type
To create an entry of type SNOTEL Snow Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SNOTEL Snow Data entry type
When creating a new entry:
| You just need to specify the Site number.
- View the SNOTEL sites at
- Select a SNOTEL site and view the Site Page under Data Reports
- Get the Site ID from the URL, e.g. "1061" -
To create an entry of type Sheba Point File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Sheba Point File entry type
To create an entry of type SondeHub JSON Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SondeHub JSON Data entry type
T28 NetCDF Trajectory Data
To create an entry of type T28 NetCDF Trajectory Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the T28 NetCDF Trajectory Data entry type
To create an entry of type Text Sounding go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Text Sounding entry type
To create an entry of type UW Sounding go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the UW Sounding entry type
To create an entry of type WaterML go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the WaterML entry type
To create an entry of type Basic Climate Model File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Basic Climate Model File entry type
C20C+ Climate Data Collection
To create an entry of type C20C+ Climate Data Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the C20C+ Climate Data Collection entry type
To create an entry of type C20C+ Model File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the C20C+ Model File entry type
To create an entry of type CMIP5 Model Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CMIP5 Model Collection entry type
To create an entry of type CMIP5 Model File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CMIP5 Model File entry type
To create an entry of type Climate Data Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Climate Data Collection entry type
Climate Extremes Stations
To create an entry of type Climate Extremes Stations go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Climate Extremes Stations entry type
Climate Model Description
To create an entry of type Climate Model Description go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Climate Model Description entry type
To create an entry of type NOAA Extremes Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Extremes Data entry type
To create an entry of type NOAA Extremes Maps go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Extremes Maps entry type
NOAA FACTS Climate Data Collection
To create an entry of type NOAA FACTS Climate Data Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA FACTS Climate Data Collection entry type
NOAA FACTS Climate Model File
To create an entry of type NOAA FACTS Climate Model File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA FACTS Climate Model File entry type
NOAA-PSL Monthly Climate Index
To create an entry of type NOAA-PSL Monthly Climate Index go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA-PSL Monthly Climate Index entry type
To create an entry of type USHCN Point Database go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USHCN Point Database entry type
To create an entry of type Basic MB point file go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Basic MB point file entry type
To create an entry of type Bathymetry Collection go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Bathymetry Collection entry type
To create an entry of type CSV Easycurrents Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the CSV Easycurrents Data entry type
To create an entry of type Castaway CTD Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Castaway CTD Data entry type
To create an entry of type Colorado DNR Stream Gage go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Colorado DNR Stream Gage entry type
To create an entry of type EX0 Profiler go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the EX0 Profiler entry type
To create an entry of type EX02 Sonde go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the EX02 Sonde entry type
To create an entry of type EX02 Time Series go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the EX02 Time Series entry type
Interagency Sea Level Rise (ISLR)
To create an entry of type Interagency Sea Level Rise (ISLR) go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Interagency Sea Level Rise (ISLR) entry type
When creating a new entry:
Interagency Sea Level Rise - Observations
To create an entry of type Interagency Sea Level Rise - Observations go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the Interagency Sea Level Rise - Observations entry type
When creating a new entry:
To create an entry of type MB Bathymetry go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the MB Bathymetry entry type
To create an entry of type NDBC Buoy Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NDBC Buoy Data entry type
When creating a new entry:
Just need to specify the Station ID. See the map at
To create an entry of type NOAA Tides - File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Tides - File entry type
When creating a new entry:
NOAA Tides - Monthly Mean
To create an entry of type NOAA Tides - Monthly Mean go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Tides - Monthly Mean entry type
When creating a new entry:
NOAA Tides - Sea Level Trend
To create an entry of type NOAA Tides - Sea Level Trend go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Tides - Sea Level Trend entry type
When creating a new entry:
To create an entry of type NOAA Tides - Water Level go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NOAA Tides - Water Level entry type
When creating a new entry:
To create an entry of type NORTEK ADCP Buoy go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NORTEK ADCP Buoy entry type
To create an entry of type NetCDF Easycurrents Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Easycurrents Data entry type
To create an entry of type NetCDF Glider Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Glider Data entry type
To create an entry of type NetCDF Track Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the NetCDF Track Data entry type
To create an entry of type OOI Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the OOI Data entry type
To create an entry of type SADO Meteo Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SADO Meteo Data entry type
To create an entry of type SADO Position Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SADO Position Data entry type
To create an entry of type SADO TTS Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SADO TTS Data entry type
To create an entry of type SOFAR Buoy Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SOFAR Buoy Data entry type
To create an entry of type SOFAR Buoy Data from API go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SOFAR Buoy Data from API entry type
When creating a new entry:
Just need to specify a name and the Spotter ID. Make sure you have the property:property.sofar.api.key set in your RAMADDA
To create an entry of type SeaBird CNV Data go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the SeaBird CNV Data entry type
To create an entry of type USBR RISE Hyrdo go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USBR RISE Hyrdo entry type
When creating a new entry:
- Find sites at USBR Map
- From the map popup click on the link Send location to RISE time series query page
- Note the location ID from the URL, e.g. "3511" -
- Enter the location ID below. This will extract location and metadata
- Select and download the desired data and upload the CSV file here
To create an entry of type USGS File go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USGS File entry type
To create an entry of type USGS Groundwater Site go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USGS Groundwater Site entry type
When creating a new entry:
| You just need to specify the Agency/Site. The name and other metadata will be looked up from the USGS site.
To create an entry of type USGS Stream Gauge go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USGS Stream Gauge entry type
Provides access to real-time USGS Stream Gauge data
When creating a new entry:
| You just need to specify the Site Number. The name and other metadata will be looked up from the USGS site.
USGS Stream Gauge Peak Flow
To create an entry of type USGS Stream Gauge Peak Flow go to the desired folder and select Find a Type... from the entry popup menu. Look for the USGS Stream Gauge Peak Flow entry type
When creating a new entry:
| You just need to specify the Site Number. The name and other metadata will be looked up from the USGS site.