Oglala Lakota College Archives
Creating ARK IDs
Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) serve as persistent identifiers, or stable, trusted references for information objects. Read more about ARKs at https://arks.org/ To enable ARK IDs in your RAMADDA you need to have a Name Assigning Authority Number (NAAN) that identifies your RAMADDA. You can get a NAAN from arks.org by using the Google form. Once you receive your NAAN add it as a RAMADDA property and restart your RAMADDA.
ramadda.naan=your NAAN number
Note: It may take 24 hours until your NAAN has been registered Now, the URL: https://n2t.net/ark:/<your NAAN>/<ramadda entry id> will redirect to: https://<your ramadda>/ark:/19157/<ramadda entry id> which will redirect the request to the entry page.

Once enabled the ARK ID shows up in the Information page for any entry. Likewise it can be added to a wiki page with the tag:
{{ark }}
Using EZID to mint DOIs
RAMADDA supports tagging entries with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). This is a service provided by the Californiate Digital Library EZID service.

You can also search for an entry with a DOI search form.

To enable the DOI plugin you must have an account with EZID you need to specify the following properties in some property file in your RAMADDA home dir, e.g. ezid.properties:

##Account information 




#What metadata profile to use as the default