Oglala Lakota College Archives
Various ways to configure the entry pages.
Page Header
Most of the page templates have a location in the header marked to hold a "page header", e.g.:
<div class="ramadda-pageheader">${pageheader}</div>
The contents of this page header can be specified with a "Page Header" property. This property can contain arbitrary wiki text. The most common use is to include a "navbar" tag, e.g.:
Results in:
By making this property be inherited then all entries within the repository would have the same page navigation links. For example, on ramadda.org we have the following navbar. In this example the links are aliases but they can be entry IDs. The extra id.label=... attributes allow one to specify an alternate label to be used. If a label is not defined then the name of the entry is used.
You can also use entry IDs, e.g.:
e2a0c8ee-4276-4fe3-bc70-76243faed1a2.label="Some other label"
You can also add URLs in the links of the form:
The Footer property can be added and set to inherited=true to add a footer to every entry page. The Footer can be arbitrary wiki text. For example, you can add a share bar and a license with a Footer property, e.g.:
Which results in the below on every page:
Share Bar
You can add a social media share bar to a page or to every page with the share tag:
If here=true then the bar is shown in place on the page. Else it is shown fixed either to the left, right or the bottom of the page (depending on the horizontail attribute).
Popup Menu
You can use the navbar tag to create a fixed popup menu like:
{{navbar  popup="true" header="Links
" left=true links="..."}}
Some arguments:
  • left=false - If you want this right aligned set
  • popupLinkStyle="css to position the menu"
  • header="Text to open the popup"
  • footer="Text to close the popup"
You can add a popup menu like above to every page with the "Footer" property. The Footer property can contain arbitrary wiki text and is shown at the bottom of every page. Just enter the navbar tag and check on the property inherited flag.
The "RAMADDA Alias" property is used to add an alias to an entry. For example, on ramadda.org the alias "examples" is added to the examples area and results in a URL: https://ramadda.org/repository/alias/examples
You can specify that a specific entry is the top-level root of a sub-domain that points to your RAMADDA server. For example, the Ditch Project site - https://ditchproject.org actually runs on the ramadda.org repository. To define that the particular entry that holds the Ditch Project site is the one to use then a special RAMADDA Alias property is added with the value "http://ditchproject.org". Note: use "http:" not "https:". This is just an internal mechanism for the main repository code to know the mapping between the incoming host name (e.g.. "ditchproject.org") and the entry for it.

Another example is https://landknowledge.org/. This too is just an entry on ramadda.org with the RAMADDA Alias "http://landknowledge.org"
Specifying Page Templates
The default page template for an entire RAMADDA site can be specified with a property, e.g.
This property can be set in the site Admin-Settings-Site and Contact Information-Extra Properties section or in a repository.properties file on the server.

You can also specify a page template as a entry property that can be used for an entire sub-area of your RAMADDA. For example, the site https://landknowledge.org/ runs on ramadda.org. It has "Page Template" property that specifies the "Land Knowledge Template" and the property is set inherited=true so all descendent entries of the main entry use that template.
Site Maps
Google and other web crawlers access a sitemap.xml file. You can specify that certain entries show up in the site map with the "Is In Site Map" property with value set = true.
You can see an example site map at https://ramadda.org/repository/sitemap.xml.